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If you’re like most people…
you’re probably in debt. It could be a few thousand dollars or hundreds of thousands, to millions of dollars. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the hole for…
A 15 or 30-year home mortgage
Car Loans
Student loans
Or something else entirely.
You might even have a combination of the debts we mentioned! And one thing will always be true about debt…
The Longer You Stay In Debt… The More It’ll Cost You
As the old saying goes, time is money!
That’s especially true for debt payments. Even if you’re a smart spender, a few wrong turns could quickly leave you in a bottomless pit of debt. Even if you do find your way out, you’ll have paid thousands in unnecessary interest payments straight to the bank.
But don’t panic! We’ll let you in on a little secret… There’s a way to get out of debt AND build wealth simultaneously.
The #1 Problem with Debt is INTEREST... Here’s Why
The #1 barrier preventing you from a debt-free future is INTEREST.
It puts your hard-earned cash in your lender’s pockets. Here’s how it works:
Let’s say you take out a 30 year, $300,000 loan at a 4.5% interest rate.
That sounds pretty manageable… until you consider interest.
Over a 30 year mortgage, you would pay over $247,000, just in interest payments! That’s actually over 82% of the original loan amount you borrowed, just in interest!
Like we said, time is money! More time paying off debts is more of your money filling the lender’s pockets…
Unless you do something about it. So, if less interest means more money in your pocket, what’s the solution?
Total Debt Eliminated (And Counting)
Spend Less Time Paying the Bank… A LOT Less
Less time of course! If your bank has it their way, you’ll pay a 15 or 30-year loan term to maximize their profits. So, are you willing or able to take out a 5 or 10-year loan term? We didn’t think so. For most people, that’s just not realistic. Fortunately, you don’t have to!
With MMA Pro, You Can Pay Off Every Single One Of Your Debts (Up To And Including A 30-year Mortgage) In As Little As 5 - 7 Years!
Consider this for a moment…
What would your debt-free future look like?
Soaking up an early retirement on the beach? Travelling the world with your family? Remodeling your home?
Whatever your dream is, MMA PRO can help make it happen with NO changes to your current lifestyle.
So, how does it work?
To begin with, MMA PRO keeps track of your debts, payments, and expenses, 24/7.
Then, it uses a unique wealth building account, and advanced financial software to calculate some of the fastest strategies to help you become debt free! MMA PRO works around the clock to identify and calculate exactly when, where and how much money to transfer to each debt.
It’s like having 100 accountants working just for you, 24/7!
By using these strategies, MMA PRO can help you get out of debt in no time. That potentially means hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest saved for you to invest in YOUR LIFESTYLE!

Working together to help drive debt elimination and wealth building strategies tailored to your needs!
When you transfer money from your checking and/or savings account into the Wealth Builder Account, it goes towards strategically paying off your debts… but that’s not all.
With Money Max Account PRO, the same transfers you’re making to pay off your debts can also accumulate cash value!
Remember our $300,000 mortgage scenario? The mortgage that would normally charge over $247k in interest charges over 30 years?
With MMA Pro, this same mortgage could now be totally paid off, in as little as 5-7 years, paying as little as $68K in interest charges, Versus $247k in interest! That’s a savings of up to $179k in interest, and up to 25 YEARS worth of canceled interest payments!
You can potentially save hundreds of thousands AND build thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars in wealth with MMA PRO.
Here’s Why Your Banker Never Told You About This
At this point, you’re probably wondering why your banker has never told you about this underlying truth…
To understand it, you first need to look at a very important distinction:
Big Banks Plan VS. True Wealth Building With Your Own Money
As an important part of the bank’s wealth building strategy, the banking industry has taught us to keep our money separate.
What do I mean by separate? Well, we are taught to deposit all of the money we earn into our checking and/or savings accounts.
And we are taught to take out our loans and keep those loans separate from our checking and savings accounts.
The result is, we never combine our “positive cash” account balances,
against our “interest charging” loan account balances.
But Who Really Benefits From This “Separate Account” Structure? You Or The Banks?
To understand why we are taught to manage our finances “separately” like this, we need to understand some basic principles of banking and money, and how it works.
Each time we deposit and hold money in our checking and/or savings accounts (also known as deposit accounts), the lender makes money off of interest, by lending our money out in the form of loans to borrowers.
And each time we take out a loan, the lender again makes money each time we pay them an interest payment.
What if, instead of following the bank’s rule of keeping your accounts separate, you could essentially transfer or merge the money in your deposit accounts against your loan accounts, literally decreasing the total amount owed immediately?

Watch This Video To See How It Works
So, consider that debt-free future again…
Imagine What Your Lifestyle Could Look Like In Just 5 - 7 Years With Debt Eliminated And Significant Wealth Built
Now that’s investing in your future—the future you want for yourself and your family.
So, put your money to work for YOU, not your lender. Get ready for your paradise, with MMA PRO.
See why the creators of this Award-Winning program have been featured in magazines including Broker Banker, Real Estate Investor and Success From Home Magazine, and more!
The beginning of your path to a wealthy, debt-free future is just a few clicks away. So, visit our homepage to see what United Financial Wealth ™ and Money Max Account Pro are all about.
Our financial representatives are standing by to give you more
information on the revolutionary Money Max Account PRO,
and what it can do for you.
Ready To Receive Your FREE Wealth Building Financial Report?
Fill out your information below! Afterward, we’ll reach out to review your current financial situation and provide you with a Free Wealth Building Report that will show you how fast you could be out of debt and how much potential wealth you can build!
It only takes 60-seconds or less…
We won’t ask you for any private information…
And all your answers are protected by our secured-form software…
So, what do you have to lose?